Last night Ayub decided that he is, in fact, a dinosaur. And spent the evening…
Ayub Wants You To See His LEGO City Thing
The kids love LEGO. They go for LEGO class at Bricks4Kidz. Aisha too. It’s great.
I can’t remember what he called this thing but it’s pretty cool and he took pictures of it to be put on this blog so here you are enjoy.

A view of the city… thing

The first entrance into the city thing, according to Ayub

This dude and his enormous gun

Half a dude with a car hood as a head, poor cyborg thing

Another dude with an enormous gun

Probably a cannon or something idk

Yet another dude with an enormous gun… I am seeing a pattern here


Dude. Gun. Yes.

FAIYAAAAAHHHH!!! Looks like a laser gun. Oh no, wait. What are those things called. FLAME THROWER!



Steering wheel? Oh, maybe this is a ship or submarine or something and not a city.


My phone takes great photos

Nice work, Ayub!

Actually, shortly after his photo shoot, Ayub attempted to move his LEGO city to his room and promptly dropped the whole thing on the floor. It broke into a million pieces and he was upset, but kept it together.
Kept it together so well that he actually cleaned up the mess and put all the LEGO pieces back in the box.
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