Category: Everyday Life

Superman vs Spiderman

I love having boys. Because I can dress them up as superheroes and make them fight. Not really. But this photo session was an unbelievable failure. Sulaiman was trying to strand up, Ayub hugged...

Sulaiman can LAUGH!!

Sulaiman loves his little currypuff feet. Little fat fat is now 4 months old 🙂 Before this he only really laughed in his sleep, and it sounded more like a mini-baby donkey who had...

I’m going bald.

I’m going bald.

During pregnancy, estrogen levels are at a high, and one of the awesome side effects of that is that hair doesn’t fall out. I enjoyed over a year of long, thick, gorgeous hair and...

Ayub’s new kicks

I went home after the show yesterday to see the babies and drop off my milk for Fat Fat, then had to return to the office for a meeting. Ayub grabbed his gun, sword...

Baby on his Bumbo

Sulaiman doesn’t like to lie down anymore. He’ll tense up his body, and do a teeny baby sit up, his legs straight and fists clenched. So we put him in Ayub’s bumbo seat yesterday...

Ayub’s imagination.

Sat down to play with Ayub yesterday afternoon. I love how his little mind works. No limitations. No boundaries. Complete freedom. Envy. Dinosaurs driving cars making friends with a pig on a bike Hungry...

Dumbass Malaysian

Last night I received a missed call from a phone number I didn’t recognize. So I messaged the number. This is what happened. Translation: “I just pressed whatever number… just for fun… who are...

Baby videos

His royal fatness is such an easy-going baby (for now and hopefully for EVAAAR), I can leave him in his playpen to chill on his own and he’ll entertain himself.   Sulaiman getting tired...

Toddler photography

Ayub loves taking pictures with whatever phone he can get his grubby little hands on. His current portfolio consists of an abundance of different shades of black, toy dinosaur-shaped blurs, his feet, me sleeping,...

Sulaiman makes an insane discovery!

  mid morning snooze Yesterday Sulaiman was chillin in his playpen by himself, sucking on his paw as usual, and suddenly he stopped. His eyes widened, getting progressively larger in a severely comical manner....

3 is the magic number

This week Sulaiman is 3 months old! He is so chubby and cute and lovely. Such a good baby, doesn’t cry, always talking and smiling and able to chill out on his own. Sulaiman...

Increasing Milk Supply

So since I was told to take the combined pill by an idiot doctor, my milk supply dropped dramatically from 10 ounces a session to 3. Now I’m trying really hard to increase my supply...

Sulaiman discovers his tongue

On Monday, at 11 weeks, Sulaiman discovered his little baby tongue. He spent the entire day sticking his tongue out at everyone and everything. Sulaiman has also started talking and cooing to people, can...

Ayub Camera-Shy

Ayub Camera-Shy

Ayub is a very shy person. Even at home he gets shy around me. He loves to dance and once he caught me watching him sing and dance on his own, he was so...

I am stupid.

I am stupid.

This morning I was packing my bags to come to work. Handbag. Breast pump and bottles bag. Laptop bag. Made sure I had my phone charger because the phone died during the night. Check....

Injured baby.

Ayub was playing with his little brother, which is pretty difficult considering the little brother doesn’t have conscious control of his limbs. Anyway, Ayub loves his dinosaurs and was “rawr rawr rawr”-ing his favourite large one...

Sulaiman’s favourite toy

It’s been a crazy few weeks. Didn’t get to blog. We moved out of Putrajaya and back to our own house. And then ze hubby didn’t pay for the internet and I couldn’t go...

Dr Evil’s Spawn.

This is Dr Evil:     And this is my one month old baby Sulaiman: I feel like I should insert a meme… but I won’t. Mostly because I can’t find the damn picture...

Videos of Ayub

Videos of Ayub

My post on Ayub’s belated birthday went wonky when I tried to add videos… So here they are separately. This one is of Ayub showing off his presents (if you listen closely, you can...

Ayub’s Belated Birthday

Due to major house renovations during Ayub’s birthday, I didn’t give him his presents as they were outdoor activities – a swimming pool and a mini goal post. This week, however, the house was...

Doctors are stupid.

Doctors are stupid.

Just because I didn’t go to medical school, it doesn’t mean I’m stupid. And just because you did, it doesn’t make you better than me. Doctors are fucking annoying. This is a little dated,...

Bringing Home Baby

I hate hospitals. Was SO happy to be discharged early. Adam had to run around the hospital getting all the paperwork done and talking to whatever departments and paying bills or whatever. And then...

Breastfeeding vs Bottle feeding

Well of course, hands down, breastfeeding is the best. There’s nothing that comes close to it. It’s the best food for baby, always sterile, always available, completely free etc etc etc. But I am...