Category: News

organ donation malaysia donor

I Register To Be An Organ Donor In Malaysia

I like helping people. I’ve always wanted to be an organ donor but prior to this, the process has been a little too much bother. Yes, that’s a terrible excuse to not sign up...

play doh malaysia

Look At These Cute Malaysian Dishes Made Out Of Play-Doh

Play-Doh Malaysia announced their first Doh-Bassador of Creativity (awwwww!) through its inaugural contest last month. The winner is Eunice Foong Yin Tong. Good job, grrrrrrl! The 9-year-old newly crowned Doh-Bassador won a heap load...

I Tried Out Durian Condoms

So today Sam wrote a story about durian flavoured condoms from the company ONE. A short while after it was published, ONE shared it on their Facebook. And I’m not sure how this happened...