The Ninjas had to go to Johor Bahru to cover Gegaria Fest and we were…
We Failed At Harimau Mini Golf In Sunway Nexis And Mini Putt Citta Mall
We saw the giant signboard for Harimau Mini Golf outside Sunway Nexis and Sulaiman asked if we could go. Mr Ninja said no. I said YAAAAAS! So we went to try. It was not cool.
Harimau Mini Golf at Sunway Nexis
First of all, their “promo” price was RM40 per adult and RM30 per child. We hadn’t been mini golfing in Malaysia before so had no idea how much the price was supposed to be. But Mr Ninja and I were like ?!?!?!?! Might as well go Sunway Lagoon or Zoo Negara.
Then, we looked at the “mini golf course” and it was just so sad.
There are a total of 18 holes. But each hole is like this tiny island of meh.

The decor is so cheesy and not cool. But Aisha is super cute.


wat iz diz.

One curve is one hole.

Mr Ninja not impressed and annoyed with me for dragging him out to Kota Damansara.

The ticketing counter for overpriced mini golf.

Like srsly.

I give them credit for trying but they should try harder.

Random ass “women power” hole that I was annoyed at because why.



Ape ni.

Everything is so tacky and not cute.

I feel like this is sponsored by Maybank but Mr Ninja says it’s some property developer.

Looks so unfinished.



Love Aisha tho.
It was set up in like the lobby area of the mall and looked so unimpressive. The thing is, I would have totally let the kids play if it was like RM10 or less. But a total of RM140 for this sad thing? No. That’s just a scam. It is totally not worth RM40 per person.
Maybe this is what mini golf is like in Malaysia? I actually have no idea. But I used to play mini golf when I was living in Belgium and the course was super awesome. Some of the holes were mechanic and had things that would move or sway or block the hole, you know? And sometimes you had to chip the ball over moats and ditches and stuff.
I mean, look at this mini golf range in Leopoldpark in Blankenberge, Belgium:
This is the kind of mini golf I grew up playing. I miss you Belgium.
Mini Putt at Citta Mall
I googled the mini golf place in Citta Mall and it was RM12 per adult and RM8 per kid. So we hauled ass outta Sunway Nexis and drove to Citta Mall.
Once we arrived, I went straight to the info desk to ask where the Mini Putt golf course was. It had closed down permanently. Lol.
Sulaiman was so sad. Here’s an unimpressed Sulaiman. The end.
Anyone know where we can play mini golf in Malaysia? That doesn’t cost RM40 per person? Let me know in the comments plish.
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