I have no idea if that's what it's called. But I love it. Brought Ayub…
[DAY 3] Family Holiday In Thailand: Rawai Park & A Karate Kick To The Balcony Door
Welcome to DAY THREE of our family holiday in Phuket, Thailand! We spent the first day travelling and the second day doing all this stuff.
Here’s our itinerary for DAY THREE:
0800 hours 1000 hours | The Windmill Phuket Hotel Rawai Park | Breakfast Let the kids playyyyyy + lunch, 6 mins drive |
1830 hours | The Windmill Phuket Hotel | Ayub and Mr Ninja get ready to go cycling |
1831 hours | The Windmill Phuket Hotel | Ayub karate kicks the balcony door of our room, smashing it into a million pieces, we have to move rooms |
2000 hours | The Windmill Phuket Hotel | New room, play games, do homework, swim, sleep |
A full day at Rawai Park – the kids’ favourite part of the whole holiday

Thank you Esther for finding this place for us. Rawai Park is a children’s play park that consists of a shallow pool, indoor and outdoor playground, sand pit, big restaurant, and a stage where I assume they hold performances or something.
Definitely targeted at kids below the age of 10. It was perfect for our family. The children LOVED it, especially Aisha. We spent the whole day here. It’s super toddler-friendly.

Open Hours
Kids club: 10am — 8pm
Outdoor playground: 9am — 8pm
Water area: 10am — 7pm
Restaurant: 7am – 8pm
Breakfast buffet: 7am – 10am

Rawai Park is super affordable, especially for Malaysians. Check out the prices:
Kids Mon-Fri: 200 THB
Kids Sat-Sun: 350 THB
Kids under 1 y.o FREE
Adults all days: 100 THB
Adults 5pm-8pm all days FREE
We were there on a weekday so it only came up to 800 THB, which is around RM80. For a family of 5! Can’t find amusement park tickets in Malaysia for that price for sure.

Rawai Park Details:
58/88 Moo 6, Soi Rouyphad, T. Rawai, A. Muang, Phuket, 83130, Thailand
Mob.: 098-396-5369
Tel.: 076-613-556
Fax.: 076-613-634
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://rawaipark.com/
Entering Rawai Park

The mini water park designed for toddlers
They call it a water park, but really it’s a water playground. The water comes up to my shin. There are LOADS of floaties for the kids to play with and this three-slide playground.

The little queen had a blast. Up and down the slides. Floating all around the pool. Splashing, laughing, playing. She could have stayed there the whole day I’m sure.

The slides are ridiculously fast. The kids came flying out much to their amusement. Ayub probably went on the slide a few thousand times that morning. He would get angry every time because it’s too fast. But then would go do it again. And get angry again. Strange fella.

Lunch at the family restaurant
There’s a huge restaurant in the middle of the park, with an equally huge menu. They had everything.
So you know, nothing was particularly good lol. But still very much edible and tasty. The kids were happy.

The place was super big and totally empty. We were pretty much the only people in the park for the whole day we were there. A few Russian families travelling together, two German kids, and us.
I hope this place can sustain itself because I would hate for it to close down. It’s pretty great. But anyway, I loved that it was empty haha.

Everybody was already tired from all the playing and splashing that morning.

See our food. It was ok only. Green curry chicken, pad kra paw, fish and chips, and pizza.

So many toys in the Kids Club
There’s an indoor playground and kids club, which is all included in your admission ticket. The only thing is that you need to wear socks and we didn’t have socks so we had to buy socks. But that’s not a big deal.
The kids club is seriously well-stocked with loads and loads of toys. I guess most people just drop off their little ones here and go do whatever adult things they wanna do.
There were a number of European kids running around without their parents. I think that’s what this place is for. Buuuuuut… there are no staff around the supervise, except one lady at the entrance and she didn’t do shit tbh.
I do not recommend leaving your kid unattended.
Anyway, despite that, the indoor playground is pretty great.

It’s meant for very young kids so Ayub kinda got bored after a while. But Sulaiman and Aisha really enjoyed themselves.
Aside from the slides and the ballpit and the bouncy balls and climbing gym, there are lots and lots and lots of toys. And they are all in perfect working condition with batteries and everything. I was amazed haha.
This place was like Aisha’s vision of heaven.

Mr Ninja was not as impressed as the kids and I
This man can sleep anywhere at any time, except at appropriate times at night when the rest of the family is asleep. He sucks.

Fun in the outdoor playground
There’s also a really nice outdoor playground that is totally covered so it’s shady.

There’s Ayub at the top of that thingy. He spent a lot of time up there. Mostly to cackle and heckle at his little brother.

Aisha going down the slide is the best thing you’ll see today:


The toddler sand pit
Aisha has never played with sand before. She was excited. It was way too hot for me. Mr Ninja brought her. They played for a long time. I don’t know what’s so fun about that. But she’s very cute.

All the cute photo-worthy spots
There are loads of these cutesy statues and stuff all over the park so you can take cutesy pictures. But ya know, my kids don’t care for cutesy pictures. I asked Aisha to pose and she said “NOOOOOOOOOOO!” so I turned to Ayub and this was all I could get:

Spinning the wheel for freebies
Based on how much money you spent at the restaurant, you get a certain number of spins. We got two spins. Our prizes were a woven bag and a waterproof phone case. They were sad. Hahaha.

All in all, Rawai Park was dope.
Back at the hotel for the most dramatic end to our holiday

We were all happy and tired and smiley and smelly. Aisha and Sulaiman popped into the bathtub for a bubble bath. Mr Ninja asked Ayub if he wanted to go for a bike ride.
Mr Ninja and I were discussing something when behind us we heard a “nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu…” followed by a crash.
Everything was moving in slow motion as we turned to see Ayub on the ground and the balcony door crashing down on him. Smashed into a million pieces. He wasn’t hurt. But we were furious. Haihhhh… Ayub, Ayub. Only Ayub. Such an Ayub thing to happen.
Anyway, Mr Ninja and Ayub went to the lobby to explain what happened and shortly after two maids from housekeeping came to our room with a small dustpan and brush between them and they were like holyeffincrapholewtf and they took some pictures on their cellphones and left.
After that the main receptionist came up and was like holyeffincrapholewtf and she told us they would be moving us to a new room.
So we spent another hour or so packing up and moving to another room and Ayub felt bad I guess but kept blaming his socks and I was so annoyed with him but I shouldn’t have shouted at him but I did shout at him but now we just laugh about it and you should always buy travel insurance because shit like this is gonna happen if you have an Ayub like me.
The end.
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