We got invited to attend Halloween Horror Nights 7 at Universal Studios Singapore for the…
Halloween Horror Nights 7 Is Really Really Really Scary… Really
So, the SAYS team was invited to attend Halloween Horror Nights 7 at Universal Studios Singapore in Resorts World Sentosa. And I don’t know how it happened but 4/5 people who were chosen to go were wussies. Including me, the biggest scaredy-cat of all. Our adorable cameradude was more oooooh-aaaaah-wow-that’s-awesome. He’s so annoying.
Watch the video if you’re too lazy to read this post:
Universal Studios Singapore’s Halloween Horror Nights is really, really scary this year 😨
Posted by SAYS on Tuesday, 3 October 2017
Eating brains and eyeballs at KT’s Grill
After looking at the fish and finally getting something to eat, we were given our media passes and brought to KT’s Grill to eat some Insta-worthy Halloween food.

Slimy blood brain :O

I have a thing about eyeballs, they just freak me out.

myBurgerLab is better

This is a terrible picture but I wanted to show you that the chefs’ jackets were covered in “blood”… use your imagination.

Gowri’s disgusting eyeball desserts. What is with all the eyeballs?!
Waiting for the show to start
During the press con, we were briefed on what to expect that night. By the end of it, Gowri was covered in goosebumps with the hairs on her arms standing on end. Maxine had retreated into her hoodie and was slowly dissolving into her seat. And the rest of us were like ah ok, we’re fucked.
- Five haunted houses
- Two scare zones
- Two live shows
- Zombie laser tag
Ten horrorific things we had to complete by the end of the night. Die.
After the press conference, we were brought outside to watch the opening show. There was a long red carpet leading to the main stage and we were camped on either side.

Gowri always looking beautiful and me always looking like the dumbass that I am.

The rest of the SAYS team.

My pretty little KOL.
As it got darker, Mel’s drive-in transformed into Mel’s die-in.
Once the sun had set, the show began. The main cast and director walked down the red carpet to the main stage where the emcee congratulated them one-by-one for a job well done.
Do you want to know what happened next? I feel like you should really go and experience it yourself. No spoilers. 😛
After this point, I couldn’t take anymore pictures or videos because
- It was pitch black and my phone sucks
- I was running around scared shitless
The scare zones are the worst
There are two: ‘Pilgrimage of Sin’ and ‘Happy Horrordays.’ ‘Pilgrimage of Sin’ was the first place we went to. I WAS SO SCARED YOU GUYS OMG.

After spending the night screaming and running in fear, we were eventually numb to the horror and became friends with these scary dudes.
It’s an open space with intricate sets and horrifying creatures who roam around freely to scare the crap out of you. These creatures in black with their faces covered, they were the worst. If they spotted you, they would swarm and reach out, trying to grab you. They were crouched close to the ground and moved to fast to reach you. Wtf.
I ran down the street screaming. Here watch some raw footage. It’s not as scary as the being there.
I missed the second scare zone because we were running out of time and the team had to split up and also because I honestly didn’t want to be scared anymore. I cry.
Here’s a clip from Happy Horrordays. Honestly, the thumbnail is enough for me.
The haunted houses are super frightening
And there are five good god why. I covered my face and shuffled behind whoever was in front of me the whole time. So, I think I missed most of the gore and horror. But a lot of the time, the hantus were hiding at our feet and they would jump out when you least expect it and I would just screaaaaaaaaam!
We shot zombies and they kept coming back to life
Zombie laser tag is so fun and scary and cool and awesome. We started in a briefing room where some captain was training us to kill zombies. Basically they have a green light when they’re alive. You have to shoot the light and when it turns red they “die” temporarily. A few seconds later and the light will be green again. So you just gotta stay sharp, keep shooting, and keep moving forward. Wtf.

I dunno why Gowri is squatting like that. Little weirdo.
They implemented this technology where the team lead wears a headband that connects to their brainwaves or something. At one point in the game, there’s a door with a target painted on it. It’s up to the team lead to open it using their mind while their teammates protect them from the approaching zombies behind.
Gowri was team lead. She was screaming at us while she tried to open the door. We were screaming at her to faster open the door. Of course behind the door is even more zombies.
At the end there was a horde of zombies chasing us from behind. It was awesome.
The live shows were really entertaining
They aren’t scary the way the haunted houses and scare zones are, but are a welcome break from all the horror. Super super entertaining and fun to watch.
The first show was the ‘Slice of Life’ K-pop tour. The songs are original and created for this event. The k-pop group they put together is called the ‘Slit-Faced Girls.’ Total missed opportunity to name them “Slice Girls.” They have their own music video.
The next performance was ‘Laboratorium.’ It was fantastic.
Horror-comedy, interactive with the audience, a few jump scares thrown in for good measure, insane acrobatics mid-air, dance, song, amazing amazing performances from the cast. I LOVED it. Sorry this picture doesn’t do it any justice.
Halloween Horror Nights 7 is the best horror experience ever
Ok, so I haven’t really had many horror experiences because I’m a chicken but this was just the bestest best bestestiest experience ever. All the thought and planning that went into this event, plus the flawless execution from the crew to the scare-actors to costumes and props… just amazing.
We got little voodoo dolls as parting gifts. I stabbed mine so hard it went through his little body and into my finger. Karma in action. Instantly. Pain.
We almost missed the last bus back to our hotel because Maxine wanted freshly squeezed orange juice from a vending machine.
Thank you for having us Resorts World Sentosa!
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