Aisha loves running. She runs up and down and round and round the house all…
It’s The First Week Of Ramadan And The Kiddies Are Trying To Fast

Ramadan is here! This year I decided not to fast because Ibrahim is only 3 months old and needs his booby milk. I exclusively pumped with Sulaiman and fasted during Ramadan and my supply dropped by half but it was still amazing. Plus I lost like a ton of weight woohoo.
But since Ibrahim is drinking directly from me, I thought it would be better to not fast. He hates formula. I’m super fat right now. So is he.

Anyway, this post is supposed to be about the kids. They are fasting. And doing super good.
2017: The very first time the kids try to fast

Ayub is 8 and Sulaiman is 5. They both wake up for sahur to eat rice and chicken. They do their prayers and go back to sleep. Everything is great. Later that morning we go to the airport to pick up my niece and nephews who are coming back from the UK.
My brother Adam sees my boys and immediately pulls out a bag of bread and buns and goodies and exclaims, “DO YOU WANT A CHOCOLATE BREAD??”
Of course they want a chocolate bread.
Total fasting time: <5 hours
2018: They make it for around a week
Ayub and Sulaiman are 9 and 6 respectively. Sulaiman does amazing. I expected him to do half-days. As in, wake up for sahur and fast until lunch time. But he insisted on doing full days. And he really did it.
This is him on the first day of puasa that year:

I make it through 2 days, then on the 3rd day I start puking all over the place.
Puke puke here. Puke puke there. Puke here, puke there. Everywhere a puke puke. No more fasting for me.
The boys fast some days and don’t on other days. Overall, they did awesome.
Total fasting time: ~10 days

2019: We’re five days in and they’re doing amazing
Sulaiman has been fasting since day 1. He’s a real champ. No complaints. Just smiley and happy like it’s no big deal.
Here are Sulaiman’s reasons for enjoying fasting:
- He can wake up early and go to school even earlier than usual (he usually goes to school at 7am btw)
- He gets to have watermelon juice during iftar
- I told him he can play with the tablet/phone/PS4 because it helps distract him

Yesterday Sulaiman went to my mom’s room and cried though. Because Aisha had been eating a bowl of chopped apples. And she sat next to him with her bowl of chopped apples. So he ate one of said chopped apples. Hahaha so cute.
Mom asked if he still wanted to continue fasting. He said yes. So he continued fasting the rest of the day.
Ayub was sick on the first day so I told him not to fast. Then on the second day, he found a chocolate bun in his school bag and in his words “just couldn’t handle it.” So he ate his bun then ate his lunch and that was that haha.
Total fasting time: TBC
Aisha is also fasting this year. Look at her fasting.

Much fast.

No eat.

Zero chomp.

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