They don't look alike. Yet everyone says they both look like me. How liddat?
The 6 Things I Was Supposed To Do Before The Baby Arrived
So back when I was 4 weeks pregnant in May last year, I made this checklist of things I was supposed to do BEFORE the baby arrived. Let’s check in and see if I did anything:
1. Wean Aisha

After two years and four months-ish, we finally stopped breastfeeding. WOOT WOOT! Breastfeeding has always been a struggle for me, so to make it to the two year mark felt amazing.
Stopping breastfeeding felt amazing-er because Aisha is SO CLINGY KOALA BABY I have no space to breathe.
Took ages actually, trying to get her off my boob. But we finally managed it and she took to her bottle and formula, and then we had to wean her off her bottle and formula when we had that fantastic disaster of a holiday in Penang.
Aisha fully weaned off breastmilk and baby bottle: CHECK
2. Sleep train Aisha

Aisha is my ONLY baby to not sleep in her own cot. Ayub slept in his cot. Sulaiman inherited and slept in that same cot. Now the new baby Ibrahim sleeps in that cot.
Aisha? NEVER.
Only ever for a few hours at night, in the beginning. OH MY GOD. She would wake up every 1-2 hours throughout the night from the time she was a teeny-weeny. So we ended up bed sharing with my titty out all night.
24 hour buffet for Aisha + a few good hours of sleep for me = Aisha’s complete inability to sleep on her own without my boob.
It’s not just that she couldn’t fall asleep with the boob, it’s that she COULDN’T STAY ASLEEP. Waking up every few hours throughout the night for 2 years straight. Exhausting.
Once we weaned her off my boob, she moved on to the bottle. She would drink like 3-4 bottles of milk a night just to get to sleep. Oh man. But at least she was falling asleep (AND STAYING ASLEEP) by herself.
Sleep train Aisha so she can fall asleep and stay asleep all night: CHECK!
3. Potty train Aisha

Potty training took a few months to build up to. A few accidents here and there. Eventually she was out of diapers during the day, but wearing diapers to sleep because of the aforementioned 3-4 bottles of milk every night. Once we weaned her off the bottle, she stopped using the diaper.
But, ok, the baby was already born. So this one is like not quite before the baby arrives.
Potty train Aisha: happened before and after baby arrived SO IT STILL COUNTS AS A CHECKKKK!
4. Make more money

Well, I made some money off this blog so I’ll give myself a small check while I wait for someone to give me a big check.
5. Buy a bigger house

No bigger house but Sulaiman won awards for being the best student in English, Maths, and #1 in his year. Such a clever kid mashaAllah!
Didn’t buy a bigger house but Sulaiman claims he got a bigger brain so that’s even better.
6. Become a multimillionaire

Lol. We had lots and lots and lots of fun as a family. We went to Bangi Wonderland Themepark and Resort and Desaru Coast Adventure Waterpark, and had our first family holiday overseas in Thailand…
Ayub started a new school, Sulaiman made a best friend, and Aisha remained a rockstar.
We’re not rich with money but we’re rich with adventures!
And then Ibrahim arrived

The end.
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