I just discovered some old pictures of Ayub on my laptop that the hubby saved…
The Beginning, Middle, And End Of Ayub’s Internship With Ninja Housewife
This is what I posted on July 15:
For the past few weeks I’ve been researching different curriculums, drafting out lesson plans, planning the rest of the year, and generally stressing myself out. (Salute to teachers, you guys are amazing.)
Then I realised, wow, I suck at this. Just looking at what I planned, I was bored. Can’t imagine Ayub being excited about it.
So new plan!
I’m hiring the first ever intern for Ninja Housewife. Awwww yeah. Ayub will be signing his contract with me to work 2 days a week as my intern and will receive rm100 every month.
I’ve always kinda worried about his future and if he’d be able to make money and support himself financially. Well, hell, if no one wants to hire him, I’ll just create a business that will 😬 (although I’m sure he’ll be fine without me coz he’s awesome like that).
Here’s what I’ve planned for Ayub:
– Learning how to use WordPress
– writing blog posts
– content creation
– digital marketing
– social media management
– video creation
– all dem dank memes
All of which are pretty employable skills nowadays I think.
And on top of that, we’ll be working on all the other stuff that comes with having a paid job: independence, responsibility, money management, dealing with an annoying overbearing slightly psychotic boss (heehee it me), and things like that.
You’ve all been so kind to me, please be extra extra kind to Ayub once he takes over this page haha.
The Ninja Intern starts work on Wednesday!
Then two days later it was officially Ayub’s first day of his internship
I cleared it with the bosses, to have Ayub follow me to the office once or twice a week. My mum gave Ayub her laptop, Mr Ninja cleaned it up and got it running smooth. I bought Ayub a new pencil case and filled it with stationery goodness.
Ayub was excited.
He packed his bag. Laptop, pencil case, notebook, water bottle. Bathed and dressed and ready to get this bread.
As we parked in the basement of my office building, Ayub seemed… confused?
He usually is confused anyway. But he was more confused than usual.
“What are we doing here, Mama?”
Your first day of work, silly!
“Oh. Should I bring my bag?”
It was my fault, I didn’t explain it clearly enough
Ayub really had no idea what was happening. I’m not sure what he thought. He’s unable to explain what he thought. But it certainly wasn’t what it was.
We went up to our floor. I unpacked his bag and set his laptop up next to mine. He had his own desk and everything, it was very cute!
I started showing him how to navigate his laptop and write his first Facebook post, which he very reluctantly did.
” hi, my name is Ayub. Today was my first day at work.”

Ayub is the smiliest kid I know in photos. That picture says it all.
A few minutes later it was very clear that he was on the verge of a meltdown. Couldn’t speak. Couldn’t move. Trying his very hardest to control himself.
I took him aside to the sofa and he hugged me and cried. We decided to go home and try again another day.
We were in the office for around 15 minutes
It was all just a little too overwhelming for him. And unexpected. Again, my fault for not being clear with him.
I often forget how literal he takes everything. And how very very precise you have to be with your words for him to understand what you mean.
Inference. It’s something so important that most of us learn innately, that many individuals like Ayub have to be taught.
Ayub has been to my office so many times and knows most of my colleagues
He’s a SAYS video talent for goodness sake!
Anyway. I drove him home. And then, went back to pick him up in the afternoon because he had another SAYS video shoot haha.
I worked from home for whatever reason so helped Ayub write his first blog post ever
I thought it would be a great way for him to be interested in writing. His ultimate weakness. The one thing he hates more than anything. Haha.
But no.
Even after seeing his words on a site on the Internet, he still wasn’t impressed.
We gave his internship one more shot
And he did great!
It just so happened to be Work From Home Day at SAYS. So the office was pretty much empty except for a few weirdos (looking at you video team), and Ayub and I.
We did science, Ayub wrote this blog post. All was good.
And that was it
I got too busy at work. He had a bunch of things going on at the same time. And his internship just kinda fizzled. 🙁
But read this amazing blog post from Sulaiman is you haven’t already. He’s my favourite.
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