Another Terrible 3D2N Itinerary. This Time From Our Staycation In Melaka
Our family holidays are always beautiful messes. From Ayub kicking down a glass door in Thailand, to a table dropping on Aisha’s foot in Penang, everything goes wrong. But it’s ok. Happy memories.
Here’s another terrible Ninja Itinerary, this time for Melaka!
Day One
1. Check in to Bayou Lagoon Park Resort
We stayed at Bayou Lagoon Park Resort and the manager at the front desk’s bored expression is everything you need to know about this place

Sulaiman says the resort was nice. I think it’s okay. I do not recommend.

You have to take a number and wait for the ding dong on the screen to check in. Feels very governmenty. Not a good feeling.

And then once you check in. They give you this mystery bag. Inside the mystery bag is… a hair dryer and air con remote. Which you have to return when you check out. Because guests keep stealing the hair dryers and air con remotes from the rooms. Lol. Rempit resort. Love it.

We got a three-bedroom two-bathroom apartment. It was nice, lots of space, complete with kitchen and living room and dining area. Nice for families with kids.
Wasn’t terribly clean. Could have used a good vacuum and mop. Hmmm… Felt kinda icky, you know? Wasn’t very cute lah. But ok. YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN?
Anyway, the kids were happy so it’s fine.
Read what I wrote on Bayou Lagoon Resort here.

2. Lunch at Aida Rich Cafe

Short drive from Bayou Lagoon Resort. Simple and tasty and inexpensive. Assam pedas yaaaaaas.
Read what I wrote on Aida Rich Cafe here.

3. Swimming time at the water park in Bayou Lagoon Resort

I guess this makes the resort more worth it? That they have a water park? Honestly, I didn’t even know it was an actual water park when I booked it. Noob.
The place is ok. Not very well kept. Kinda rundown. Litter everywhere. No lifeguards or staff on duty anywhere inside the park. Just, overall kinda icky haha.
Let’s just say, I’m glad we were there but I’ll never go back again.
Read more on Bayou Lagoon Resort Melaka here.
4. Pengsan

5. Dinner at Asam Pedas Claypot

Omg I love asam pedas so much writing this is making me remember how much I love it argh let’s take a day trip to Melaka just to eat asam pedas please jom.
This place is like supposed to be famous or something. And it was huge and packed but I think it’s just for tourists and not really for locals? I dunno. Tell me Melakans, where to go for good asam pedas?
It was still good though. I was happy. I love asam pedas.
Read what I wrote about Asam Pedas Claypot here.

Day Two
6. Ayub has terrible food poisoning so we literally do nothing all day

Poor dude. He was so sick. Went to the toilet like many many many many many times. Signature Ninja family holiday.
Good thing we were at a water park so Aisha and Sulaiman got to swim and play all day.
Day Three
7. Check out of Bayou Lagoon Resort and explore Melaka town

I wanted to do all the touristy things on the second day but Ayub was sick so. Yah. “Why do I always have to have such a sensitive tummy?” – Ayub.

We climbed up A’Famosa. Rode on the becha (is that what it’s called?) Saw Christ Church. Bought souvenirs. Went in some old train. Went in some old plane. Took a bunch of photos. Ate Black Canyon in some mall. Then went home.
See the bunch of photos from Melaka here.

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