Easiest Homemade Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe Ever

I am not a good baker but I LOVE BAKING and more than that I love eating. Especially desserts and snacks and junk. That includes chocolate chip cookies!

Come come try my recipe. My cookies came out ugly but they taste DELICIOUS.

easy chewy chocolate chip cookies recipe


easy chewy chocolate chip cookies recipe

Do I still have to type it out?

  • 1/2 cup of melted butter
  • 1/2 cup of sugar
  • 1/4 cup of brown sugar
  • 2 tsp vanilla essence
  • 1 egg
  • 1 3/4 cup of flour
  • 1/2 tsp of salt
  • 1/2 tsp of baking soda
  • As many chocolate chips as you want


  1. Preheat your oven to 175 degrees
  2. Mix everything except the chocolate chips in a big bowl
  3. Add the chocolate chips and mix
  4. Make little blobby blobs and put on a baking tray (you should probably use parchment paper but I don’t have any so I just spread butter on the baking tray)
  5. Bake for around 30 minutes (depending on how big or small your cookies are)
  6. Bake longer for cronchy cookies, bake not so long for chewy cookies
  7. Cool, transfer, eat


  • In Malaysian heat, I recommend keeping the batter in the fridge while your first batch bakes. I didn’t do this so the batter was sooooo gooey and difficult to make into balls. This made the last few batches come out crumbly haha.
  • Also, because it’s so hot, our chocolate chips melted into the batter so the last batch was just chocolate cookies instead of chocolate chip lol.
  • Can consider adding the chocolate chips after you’ve placed your blobs on the baking tray so it’s prettier 😛
  • I will not take note of any of these notes.

This is what your batter shouldn’t look like

easy chewy chocolate chip cookies recipe

Chocolate chips melted into the batter!

Blobby blobs of chocolate chip cookie batter

easy chewy chocolate chip cookies recipe

SO UGLY but I promise they’re delicious

easy chewy chocolate chip cookies recipe

The last batch came out as just chocolate cookies without the chip heehee

easy chewy chocolate chip cookies recipe

Aisha is my sous chef. She says the cookies are yummy!

easy chewy chocolate chip cookies recipe

Sulaiman rated the chocolate chip cookie 1 centillion out of 1

That’s a lot.

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Laila Zain

Laila is a working mama who married young, had two beautiful boys, went through a shitty divorce, met an amazing man, remarried, and had a beautiful girl. Her eldest boy is a rainbow baby and special needs child. Her second is ridiculously smart. Her baby is a baby.

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