Getting Tested For COVID-19 At Klinik Kesihatan Drive-Thru

Unfortunately my dad had to get tested for COVID-19 because he came in contact with someone last week, who tested positive last night. This person went to the Tabligh assembly. Please, don’t be stupid. Stay home.

Getting tested at Presint 11 pejabat kesihatan

It’s a drive-thru. My dad went early in the morning. Already loads of cars. It took him around four hours to get to his turn.

covid-19 test klinik kesihatan free

You fill out forms in the car

Name, IC number, the last time you came in contact with the person who tested positive etc.

covid-19 test klinik kesihatan free

Then it’s just a quick mouth swab and you wait three days for the results

covid-19 test klinik kesihatan free

They wouldn’t test my mum because she didn’t come in contact with the infected person

So if my dad does test positive, she’ll have to go back to be tested as well. Seems counter-productive. But never mind.

covid-19 test klinik kesihatan free

The test is free but you have to fulfill certain criteria to get it

  • Come into contact with someone who has COVID-19
  • Recently travelled to a high risk country and displaying COVID-19 symptoms

I heard the test in private hospitals costs around RM800. Crazy. Thank you KKM for making it free for people like my dad, and all medical staff for looking after the rakyat.

Everybody, just stay home.

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Laila Zain

Laila is a working mama who married young, had two beautiful boys, went through a shitty divorce, met an amazing man, remarried, and had a beautiful girl. Her eldest boy is a rainbow baby and special needs child. Her second is ridiculously smart. Her baby is a baby.

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1 Response

  1. Reana Claire says:

    So.. this is how they get the people tested… Kudos to them… they are at the front line so they need to be very careful too…