The 6 Things I Was Supposed To Do Before The Baby Arrived
So back when I was 4 weeks pregnant in May last year, I made this checklist of things I was supposed to do BEFORE the baby arrived. Let’s check in and see if I...
So back when I was 4 weeks pregnant in May last year, I made this checklist of things I was supposed to do BEFORE the baby arrived. Let’s check in and see if I...
These are the things I MUST REMEMBER.
When Ibrahim was around a week old we shaved his head. I think there’s a post on here somewhere about when we shaved Sulaiman’s head. I’m too lazy to write so like just let...
This is a very TMI post. Warning. TMI. Too Much Information. Ok? TMI. Day 1: The birth, the nipple shield, and the hospital corridor You can read about the labour and birth here. This...
So since finding out that I’m pregnant with baby #4, I’ve been feeling the pressure of getting Aisha ready for the new addition. It was much easier with Ayub, getting ready for Sulaiman. And...
Ever since my miscarriage 11 years ago (homaiwowiamsoold), I’ve been very secretive of my pregnancies. I don’t believe in jinxing them or anything like that. Just kinda traumatised having to explain to so many...
Despite my efforts, I have struggled with breastfeeding since the beginning. Ayub was bottle fed formula, and I pumped exclusively with Sulaiman. This round I was adamant about breastfeeding Aisha. Luckily I stumbled upon Gina’s...
I hate hospitals. Was SO happy to be discharged early. Adam had to run around the hospital getting all the paperwork done and talking to whatever departments and paying bills or whatever. And then...